BFbotmanager Automation Discussion
It's also a bit strange because the bot file says under "Markets Filter" - "Only following markets: WIN. For Place markets check Win market name text."
Haven't a clue
Hi folks, me again.
Got started with the 'Back the Course and Distance' preset filter and I think have gotten todays tips uploaded correctly.
Is it correct that the bot has marked this tip as for Place betting? I can't see anything in the filters about place betting vs win betting and can't really understand how the bot would know it was for Place bet when I only input the Provider, SelectionId and SelectionName in the CSV file.
Secondly, the other selections today didn't trigger a bet and I'm finding it hard to determine whether this was correct based on odds etc or if the bot is incorrectly set up. Screenshots attached.
Any help is very welcome, thanks.
@david-milligan Never mind, I think I've found most of them in the thread. Now to get them set up and off to the races!
Hi everyone, I'm pretty new to the community but I see you guys are using BFBM for some of the horse racing strategies which are working well. I have used this software before to good effect with football strategies and I'm hoping to put the "preset" horse racing strategies to work!
Would anyone be able to point me towards the bot files for the "preset" horse racing strategies that I can see in the software? Hopefully with time we can work out a way to automate the CSV file alterations and streamline the upload a bit!
Hi all. Are there any bots for back the favourite. Thanks
@paul-foster thanks mate
@robert-cooke in staking tab select “Liability or amount to win”. Then tick the Calculate stake as liability.
Hi . Can anyone help be with setting flat liability stakes for lay the beaten favourite. Thanks
@steven-white said in BFbotmanager Automation Discussion:
5851483 = Over 0.5
1221386 = Over 1.5
47973 = Over 2.5
1222345 = Over 3.5
1222346 = Over 4.5
1485568 = Over 5.5Top man, cheers. Will update my original post.
@daniel-mills said in BFbotmanager Automation Discussion:
Just in case this is useful to anyone who wants to pull in football selections to BFBM, this should be pretty straightforward if you’re already following Johns tip for uploading horse selections.
You need to grab the BF Event ID and Filter Name from the football strategy selections spreadsheet.
Then, depending on the market your strategy places bets on, you need to add in the following fields:
SelectionID - this is the market and selection ie. over 1.5 goals
MarketType - name of the market ie. MATCH_ODDS
MarketName - see above ie. Match Odds
SelectionName - This is the name of the runner or selection, so in OVER_UNDER_15 it would either be ‘Over 1.5 Goals’ or ‘Under 1.5 Goals’SelectionID’s for football matches don’t change from what I can see, a group of lay the draw tips would all have the same selection ID.
For reference:
The Draw = 58805
Over 1.5 Goals = 1221386
Under 1.5 Goals = 1221385
Under 0.5 = 5851482
Under 2.5 = 47972
Under 3.5 = 1222344
Under 4.5 = 1222347Those are the ID’s I have to hand for the strategies I use, you’ll have to do some digging if you want the selection ID’s for your own strats if they use different markets.
Here’s an example using a couple of the members filters today.
If you look at C2, you’ll see the game in Belgium has a BF Event ID of 0, that won’t work with BFBM so you’ll need to enter it manually. Usually if you pull your filters off on the day of the match the football software will have it. The others all look fine though.
You don’t need any other data than the Filter Name and BF Event ID!
You can rename the headers in row 1 and ditch the other info (or copy this into a new sheet):
Filter Name = Provider
BF Event ID = EventIDSo, with a bit of formatting, those six selections should look like this:

I put a blank line between the strategies but that’s so I can read it easier. I include the selectionName info for my own reference too.
I can’t see the Belgium game on Flashscore, so it must have been postponed and we can ignore row 2.
Both Martin and Ryans strategies place bets on the Over 1.5 market, so they have the same SelectionId, Tomasz places bets on the Under 1.5 goals, hence the difference.
If you had an SHG strategy, you’d need to do a separate line for each goal market so over 0.5, over 1.5 etc.
Save this out as a CSV file and import into your tips in BFBM and if it’s found everything, you should see it populate in the manage tips window with all of the other information such as game time, team names etc…

The ones in green for Tomasz’ strat have already been placed.You need to make sure you have your markets loaded in BFBM otherwise they won’t trigger, even when you’ve loaded the tips in. I use a couple of different strats and don’t want to load every single market for every game so I set up an auto load preset for each strategy and trigger it manually when I need to:

I usually do this before I upload the tips so any pre-game bets fire off straight away.
Feel free to test this out for yourselves with the following BFBM strats I built for Tomasz and Martins set and forget picks:
0_1674395922297_BTC Tomasz Under 1.5 Goals.gz
0_1674395935650_BTC Martin Over 1.5 Goals.gz
Both are set up for £2 level stakes so adjust it for your own preference.
Paging @Martin for the strats!
Amazing thanks!
@ryan this will be useful for the guide you are creating!
@daniel-mills Here are some more Selection id's
5851483 = Over 0.5
1221386 = Over 1.5
47973 = Over 2.5
1222345 = Over 3.5
1222346 = Over 4.5
1485568 = Over 5.5 -
@jon-batten No problem. Don't think the manual does the best job of explaining it for football markets
@Daniel-Mills fantastic post thankyou for detailed information it will make life a lot easier for all of us loading the football strategies in.
Just in case this is useful to anyone who wants to pull in football selections to BFBM, this should be pretty straightforward if you’re already following Johns tip for uploading horse selections.
You need to grab the BF Event ID and Filter Name from the football strategy selections spreadsheet.
Then, depending on the market your strategy places bets on, you need to add in the following fields:
SelectionID - this is the market and selection ie. over 1.5 goals
MarketType - name of the market ie. MATCH_ODDS
MarketName - see above ie. Match Odds
SelectionName - This is the name of the runner or selection, so in OVER_UNDER_15 it would either be ‘Over 1.5 Goals’ or ‘Under 1.5 Goals’SelectionID’s for football matches don’t change from what I can see, a group of lay the draw tips would all have the same selection ID.
For reference:
The Draw = 58805
Over 1.5 Goals = 1221386
Under 1.5 Goals = 1221385
Under 0.5 = 5851482
Under 2.5 = 47972
Under 3.5 = 1222344
Under 4.5 = 1222347Thanks to @steven-white for these ones:
5851483 = Over 0.5
1221386 = Over 1.5
47973 = Over 2.5
1222345 = Over 3.5
1222346 = Over 4.5
1485568 = Over 5.5Those are the ID’s I have to hand for the strategies I use, you’ll have to do some digging if you want the selection ID’s for your own strats if they use different markets.
Here’s an example using a couple of the members filters today.
If you look at C2, you’ll see the game in Belgium has a BF Event ID of 0, that won’t work with BFBM so you’ll need to enter it manually. Usually if you pull your filters off on the day of the match the football software will have it. The others all look fine though.
You don’t need any other data than the Filter Name and BF Event ID!
You can rename the headers in row 1 and ditch the other info (or copy this into a new sheet):
Filter Name = Provider
BF Event ID = EventIDSo, with a bit of formatting, those six selections should look like this:

I put a blank line between the strategies but that’s so I can read it easier. I include the selectionName info for my own reference too.
I can’t see the Belgium game on Flashscore, so it must have been postponed and we can ignore row 2.
Both Martin and Ryans strategies place bets on the Over 1.5 market, so they have the same SelectionId, Tomasz places bets on the Under 1.5 goals, hence the difference.
If you had an SHG strategy, you’d need to do a separate line for each goal market so over 0.5, over 1.5 etc.
Save this out as a CSV file and import into your tips in BFBM and if it’s found everything, you should see it populate in the manage tips window with all of the other information such as game time, team names etc…

The ones in green for Tomasz’ strat have already been placed.You need to make sure you have your markets loaded in BFBM otherwise they won’t trigger, even when you’ve loaded the tips in. I use a couple of different strats and don’t want to load every single market for every game so I set up an auto load preset for each strategy and trigger it manually when I need to:

I usually do this before I upload the tips so any pre-game bets fire off straight away.
Feel free to test this out for yourselves with the following BFBM strats I built for Tomasz and Martins set and forget picks:
0_1674395922297_BTC Tomasz Under 1.5 Goals.gz
0_1674395935650_BTC Martin Over 1.5 Goals.gz
Both are set up for £2 level stakes so adjust it for your own preference.
Paging @Martin for the strats!
@daniel-mills said in BFbotmanager Automation Discussion:
@Martin Hi mate, give these a try. All are set to 2% stakes on a £100 bank.
0_1674244195889_BTC Back the Course and Distance.gz
0_1674244199651_BTC Back the Favourite at the off.gz
@john-folan Thanks.
Yeh il give this a go. Il need to set my bot before 8am each day so will run the risk of non runners but hopefully not that often. Hopefully get bets placed almost in line with the software.
With DSLR, was thinking of checking each racecard quickly and if a short odds horse/horses dont meet it (probabaly sitting 3.0 or below at 8am), just avoid that race?
@daniel-mills ok perfect. Appreciate your help. Yeh im guessing if you set the bot on 20 races a day, chances are only 3 or 4 bets will get placed due to odds.
My problem was I was missing bets on lay beaten fav/pace lays, then 1 loss and suddenly im down. been similar with the football, the strategies where you need 3 or 4 wins per loss having been killing me as if you miss a couple all your profit goes.
With this, its essentially 1 win per loss (almost) so will hopefully even out more.
@Martin Hi mate, give these a try. All are set to 2% stakes on a £100 bank.
0_1674244195889_BTC Back the Course and Distance.gz
0_1674244199651_BTC Back the Favourite at the off.gz
@fraser-cord said in BFbotmanager Automation Discussion:
@john-folan Cheers
So if the fairbot bot will lay 10 sec before the start between 1.8 to 2.4 thats all i really need? I appreciate DSLR will be impossible to check so may have to do that manually myself.
What i was finding, was downloading all main strats, letting them all run in order of priority (as fairbot can only do 1 per market) but then my results were totally different to the software (unsurprisingly worse). Was similar with the football, got 1 working great, then as i diversified, profit started going down rather than up, yet was putting in way more time.
Short odds lays seems so simple and time efficient in comparison. Yes it will have dips but looks profitable providing I'm getting on the same bets as the software is suggesting
My biggest fear was going at this with an 'inferior bot' so my results again don't match the software.
Do you filter the selections each day other than runners? It looks like what you post is generally the full card for a course
It filters out everything bar runner numbers and DSLR which is impossible to know until we have a good idea of who the favourite is. Usually you can tell early doors but can change sometimes
@fraser-cord essentially, yeah. You are going to find that selections don't get matched, but thats down to not meeting the criteria more than anything.