BTC Cricket Trading Thread
@matt-ayles said in BTC Cricket Trading Thread:
Stat for you. Namibia put up 163 v SL on this same pitch in game one... so the total is in range for sure.
I've greened up as had Nam lay at 1.25 earlier, but I think they're value to chase it. If they touch 2.0 i might get back in.
feel there's a lay in here soon but not quite sure when
@nathan-bennett said in BTC Cricket Trading Thread:
FOR FUARK SAKE one fielder out there muppet
tough one this for sure idea which way gonna go now ...on hands
FOR FUARK SAKE one fielder out there muppet
taken loss for now
well even zero on namibia red UAE -
alot on the line for NAMIBIA
yeah ok
ive backed 1.84
prob green up if 1.5's quickley
and look for low odds play some pointalso will take loss when see 30% loss on trade
Stat for you. Namibia put up 163 v SL on this same pitch in game one... so the total is in range for sure.
I've greened up as had Nam lay at 1.25 earlier, but I think they're value to chase it. If they touch 2.0 i might get back in.
was wondering that myself and now 1.80
@geoff-hall said in BTC Cricket Trading Thread:
was hoping for 1.18 there and didn't get it 1.50 .........could have taken 1.20. coulda woulda shoulda
talk about rubbing salt
@martin an excellent idea, i have tried this before but i never know what the very first drip is supposed to be... i often found i could remove liability but then ended up with a very small amount of profit in the end.
this has hallmarks of a thriller
not bets me yet
is this 1.5 a big price NAMIBIA
was hoping for 1.18 there and didn't get it 1.50 .........could have taken 1.20. coulda woulda shoulda
@matt-ayles said in BTC Cricket Trading Thread:
@nathan-bennett made a loss there, although had I made a full switch when the odds doubled (rather than just removing half liability) i would have made green... sometimes hard to know if the best option is green as early as possible but lose out on potential max profit, or wait as long as possible to maximise profit but at risk of making a loss...
drip it out can be a good solution to this, doesn't let you second guess and like you say it's so difficult to find the optimum trade out moment.
@matt-ayles had the same issue
@nathan-bennett made a loss there, although had I made a full switch when the odds doubled (rather than just removing half liability) i would have made green... sometimes hard to know if the best option is green as early as possible but lose out on potential max profit, or wait as long as possible to maximise profit but at risk of making a loss...
Not to be
Could of been worse -
feel obliged to lay 1.03
1.10 required for a free roll me
else a loss
all goodtaken that profit 1.03-1.08
lift NED keep it up 1.3-4 be huge ha
find a way few consective 10 an over be nice
this is better position after 10 than IRE were yesterday chasing similar score