Description of Football Stats
HI. Where can I go to learn about the football stats. I've been trying to understand how they work but some of them appear contradictory when looking at them alongside one another eg In the image the league table has the 2 teams highlighted GF = 45, GA = 52 (combined) yet the goal time table totals H1 = 12, H2 = 22
@vaughn-taylor I'll build that into a decent library as well
@vaughn-taylor I just put this together for you
Loads of videos on you tube
@vaughn-taylor Morning Vaughn. It might be the settings for the Goal time table. It will be looking at the last 5, 10 or 20 games. I think the default is 10.
You can check it by clicking on the little blue cog symbol just next to the Goal Times drop down.