Aug 2024 £3000 - ? Bank Challenge
I already removed the 90%+ as they began to look substandard. For between 78-83% I have almost 100 trades and only 5 losers!
Looks as though Okayama is going to be a bust too! Going through all my data so far for terms of the H2H results it's almost the exact same profit for 78-83% as it is 78%-89%
Once more the overall picture shows that bigger numbers are not necessarily better!
The next 2 today are 80%
If those 2 win and Okayama loses as looks to be the case I would be a fool to continue with the big numbers as the vast majority of trades ar 80% H2H anyway.
@richard-latimer said in Betfair Premium Charge Challenge Commenced 01/08 - Total Investment Since, £325.00 - Current Bank £414.98 (+£27.53 for May):
1/2 again. Process of elimination is hard. Sensible thing to do.would be to leave certain things until sure.
There are still areas of my game I need to work on.
Most Summer LEagues back this weekend other than Sweden which should hopefully make things easier
1/2 again. Process of elimination is hard. Sensible thing to do.would be to leave certain things until sure.
There are still areas of my game I need to work on.
Not enjoying June. Bringing up too many things I should leave until I have more data haha!
Expensive mistake 1/2
I will track these without Trading them for now -teams from the same but still a different league I mean. I guess some teams adapt quicker to a new league than others.
@richard-latimer said in Betfair Premium Charge Challenge Commenced 01/08 - Total Investment Since, £325.00 - Current Bank £414.98 (+£27.53 for May):
@robert-h said in Betfair Premium Charge Challenge Commenced 01/08 - Total Investment Since, £325.00 - Current Bank £414.98 (+£27.53 for May):
@richard-latimer Are you able to share the Filter settings txt file for your Lay under 1.5 strategy?
It's not finished at the moment. Work in progress.
Like Fylkir for example. Both teams in a different league last year and now 0-0 @ ht. Need goals!!
@robert-h said in Betfair Premium Charge Challenge Commenced 01/08 - Total Investment Since, £325.00 - Current Bank £414.98 (+£27.53 for May):
@richard-latimer Are you able to share the Filter settings txt file for your Lay under 1.5 strategy?
It's not finished at the moment. Work in progress.
@richard-latimer Are you able to share the Filter settings txt file for your Lay under 1.5 strategy?
@frode-lia said in Betfair Premium Charge Challenge Commenced 01/08 - Total Investment Since, £325.00 - Current Bank £414.98 (+£27.53 for May):
@richard-latimer What does the red mean?
I've marked that out as both teams were relegated last year so stats are from a higher league.
@richard-latimer What does the red mean?
No good today!
Richard Latimerreplied to Martin on 13 Jun 2022, 06:56 last edited by Richard Latimer 13 Jun 2022, 06:56
@martin said in Betfair Premium Charge Challenge Commenced 01/08 - Total Investment Since, £325.00 - Current Bank £414.98 (+£27.53 for May):
@richard-latimer what's the bank reduction bit?
The point at which I would reset the stakes. Up until that point it's on a ratchet and doesn't go down with a loss.
@richard-latimer what's the bank reduction bit?
@richard-latimer said in Betfair Premium Charge Challenge Commenced 01/08 - Total Investment Since, £325.00 - Current Bank £414.98 (+£27.53 for May):
No rest for the wicked! Lay under 1.5:
2/2 and a new bank high. Will update later.