Aug 2024 £3000 - ? Bank Challenge
-£4.11 today and bank reduces to £247.88
And so these 3 remain on the charts:
If it looks like I'm just deleting any losers that would be wrong. I am however systematically going through the data after each day and if it looks like anything can be tweaked as we go then that is what is happening. With this it was easy as already explained. When dealing with outliers there is always the possibility of putting through an amendment before the next day and that's all that has happened here.
Accrington today is in a small odds range where I wouldn't be repeating the trade until such time as the data corrects itself if that even happens. I have my theories why it won't but we'll see.
Almost went to plan today but small hiccup meant ave win turned into small loss. Accrington drawing 1-1 @ HT with home odds right on the edge but odds are the one thing it's hard to rule out outliers on because they change so much between different scorelines.
Before today the smalll odds range of 2.64-2.73 for a 1-1 was a no go. Accrington was 2.81 but inbetween 2.73 and 2.81 there was only another 3 games meaning that now the range of 2.64-2.81 is to be avoided.
My only explanation for this is 2 teams of comparable strength. I won't run from the data. I'll follow it and if it leads back here in the end so be it. It's trial and error to an extent but there's far less of it than there used to be.
So for me 3/4 and small loss.
Corrected data 3/3
Just updating everything now and will post up full summary in a bit.
Nothing again
No qualifiers
@chris-osborne said in Betfair Premium Charge Challenge Commenced 01/08 - Total Investment Since, £199.41 - Current Bank £244.17 (+£8.39 for Dec):
@richard-latimer said in Betfair Premium Charge Challenge Commenced 01/08 - Total Investment Since, £199.41 - Current Bank £244.17 (+£8.39 for Dec):
@dave-hayes said in Betfair Premium Charge Challenge Commenced 01/08 - Total Investment Since, £199.41 - Current Bank £244.17 (+£8.39 for Dec):
@richard-latimer Great choice of games Richard, I have those on my own list
I didn't choose them. They were chosen by the matrix haha
Do we need to start calling you Neo or Keane?
Only when I achieve my goals then I'll be happy to go by the moniker of Neo. You could just call me the chosen one haha!
@richard-latimer said in Betfair Premium Charge Challenge Commenced 01/08 - Total Investment Since, £199.41 - Current Bank £244.17 (+£8.39 for Dec):
@dave-hayes said in Betfair Premium Charge Challenge Commenced 01/08 - Total Investment Since, £199.41 - Current Bank £244.17 (+£8.39 for Dec):
@richard-latimer Great choice of games Richard, I have those on my own list
I didn't choose them. They were chosen by the matrix haha
Do we need to start calling you Neo or Keane?
@richard-latimer said in Betfair Premium Charge Challenge Commenced 01/08 - Total Investment Since, £199.41 - Current Bank £244.17 (+£8.39 for Dec):
@dave-hayes said in Betfair Premium Charge Challenge Commenced 01/08 - Total Investment Since, £199.41 - Current Bank £244.17 (+£8.39 for Dec):
@richard-latimer Great choice of games Richard, I have those on my own list
I didn't choose them. They were chosen by the matrix haha
Be careful about getting sucked into the Matrix, didn't end so well for Neo, Morpheus etc
@dave-hayes said in Betfair Premium Charge Challenge Commenced 01/08 - Total Investment Since, £199.41 - Current Bank £244.17 (+£8.39 for Dec):
@richard-latimer Great choice of games Richard, I have those on my own list
I didn't choose them. They were chosen by the matrix haha
@richard-latimer Great choice of games Richard, I have those on my own list
I feel free. Something in the force is somehow lighter and more cheery. Despite it being a massive setback and hurting my end goal I could have a losing month and potentially not have to explain myself in War & Peace style essays!
As I get closer to my goal I'm going to have to start talking about boring things such as how do I get letting agents to recognise trading income in afforability checks and if they won't what great ideas can people come up with to legitmise my cash in the immediate haha!!
However, this is all jumping the gun and until it's relevant it's not in the slightest bit relevant!
Nothing until the 6th now
Def nowt for tomorrow
Nothing for tomorrow and currently not looking like anything until the 6th but we'll see.
Little too over eager after a famine but no harm done. Should have realised the odds on Dulwich didn't qualify for a 0-0 HT score.
Official was this:
Eastleigh was odds of 3.65 to lay so pretty amazing in terms of what you normally get on these
Dag & Red was 5.8
In any case, including the minor mistake bank is £251.99 and +£7.82 for the day.
3/3 to start the new year. Update properly later.