The road to full time
So another busy day, tuesdays and wednesdays will be when champs league is on. The fhg in bayern annoying me, but part of trading. If that had happened in the premier league we would all be talking about it. Top of the sleeve im sure is meant to count from this season onwards. That counts and we bag a great day. Ill not remember this game end of month. Move on.
Still tho managed to nail the goalscorers markets. Salzburg game and Man utd (ronaldo) coming good for us. Happy with all the trades. Wont be as active with europa only sticking to uk teams. Daka helping us bag 2 winners in the afternoon. As i go along ill start to refine a bit more, but right now the bank is going in the right direction albeit a small loss today. But if my bad days are this small then we will be fine.
LTD with another winner
Next up is the man utd game: anytime goalscorers
GreenwoodRonaldo is odds on so have adjusted staking on them to make sure i get good returns on both. Still the same amount of stake being used for the match tho
really happy about the salzburg game especially after barca let me down quite a bit
@darri said in The road to full time:
Ill be targeting the salzburg game for anytime goalscorers tonight:
OkaforProbably the only game tonight for these but will look around when team news is out later. Good start to the inplays on the football thread, hope a few got on
How good were these?!! Get in, big returns
Ill be targeting the salzburg game for anytime goalscorers tonight:
OkaforProbably the only game tonight for these but will look around when team news is out later. Good start to the inplays on the football thread, hope a few got on
@darri said in The road to full time:
16:25 Newmarket:
perseus way to place (4 places)
Only HR of the day
not to be only race i liked for the strat, back to these tomorrow
16:25 Newmarket:
perseus way to place (4 places)
Only HR of the day
LTDs for today:
Hull (championship)
Plenty of potentials tonight for inplays, will post when i can
Funny type of day today, everything just cancelling each other out.
LTDS on form another winner, this being the main thing on the blog makes it all the better it keeps winning.
The rest as i said just cancelled each other out. Some cracking anytime goalscorer trades, anytime you have the pen taker as insurance is always the way to go wih these, but then let down by 2 over 1.5s. Ill admit those were not my best trades on reflection. They arent without reason but considering we had a busy day already they werent needed. Champs league proved fruitful as ever and ill be quite bullish on them this side of the season, hopefully this trend continues. Its my favourite comp/league to trade just can be such a gold mine. The rest cancelled each other out.
Happy we protected the bank, reaffirmed confidence in the main strats and could be good to push on rest of month now with a clear scope that everything is going fine. Another round of games tomorrow, only got time for them as busy during the day. As ever ill post the trades up when i can and resume this bank momentum.
Another batch of goalscorers for tonight:
ManeNot going to go through and quote each trade on this blog tonight, but will summarise later
inplay champs leagues will be posted on football thread
Going for the some goalscorers again, seeing they have been fruitful these past few weeks:
Both in the city game:
MahrezWill see if i like any on offer rest of night but gonna go muck about for the next while until game KOs, try finish my FM save before the new one comes out
@eamonn-hogan it was more the fact you said i had made an error when i havent, all the times stated have been correct, maybe you misread news or something. Anyway lets leave it and move on. Plenty of trading to get on with rest of night
@darri said in The road to full time:
Starting to back scotland +160 runs market, first stake matched at 1.44
There we go
good start to today
Starting to back scotland +160 runs market, first stake matched at 1.44
2nd stake added to Watford relegation market, unlikely to add the weekend they are at home to southampton, but will be after game. Ill try keep this updated when i add or dont add. Itll be massively price dependant as we try to look for a good cashout. Didnt expect the price to dip that much after a game they were expected to be thrashed anyway. Not sure ill back below 1.4. Got to remember there are other teams also having howlers at present. So 1.4 would be lowest id consider.
@darri said in The road to full time:
@eamonn-hogan they are posted for people to line up with the markets bud, so please stop trying to call me out on mistakes its starting to grate on me a bit. If i posted other times people would be so confused, stop picking at things not needing to be picked at. Did the same with the ltds!
I wasn’t calling you out, I was just saying that that was not the time of the race, apologies. I thought we knew each other well enough by now to know that I was not picking on mistakes far from it. Sorry you feel that way.
A Former Userreplied to Eamonn Hogan on 19 Oct 2021, 10:02 last edited by A Former User 19 Oct 2021, 10:03
@eamonn-hogan they are posted for people to line up with the markets bud, so please stop trying to call me out on mistakes its starting to grate on me a bit. If i posted other times people would be so confused, stop picking at things not needing to be picked at. Did the same with the ltds!
Eamonn Hoganreplied to A Former User on 19 Oct 2021, 10:00 last edited by Eamonn Hogan 19 Oct 2021, 10:01
@darri said in The road to full time:
These are the races ill be targeting today, ill be using the place markets. Most likely dutching both horses in the races below, however if odds dip below my target ill avoid them. Iv placed them all in the queue right now and will add them to sheet when i next take a look 5-10 mins before race. Im not massively into place markets long term but while the bank is of the ability to use them I may aswell. Once the hr software comes out ill most likely concentrate on the win markets solely. As you can see this could be a sizeable outlay if you are not wise with your bank so make sure you keep the daily outlay small. Im staking less than 1% on each race.
13:30 - Snug as a bug/isle of arronYarmouth:
16:15 - Dr Rio/Gleneaglet
16:50 - Spanish Mane/Silver bubbleNewcastle:
14:50 - Captain vallo/equiano springs
16:00 - Caballero/Fennaan
16:35 - Lex warrior/Swiss knight
17:05 - Bridgetown/Miss behaving
17:40 - Birkenhead/Another angelI’m personally not following these but the times are wrong mate. They are an hour out.
These are the races ill be targeting today, ill be using the place markets. Most likely dutching both horses in the races below, however if odds dip below my target ill avoid them. Iv placed them all in the queue right now and will add them to sheet when i next take a look 5-10 mins before race. Im not massively into place markets long term but while the bank is of the ability to use them I may aswell. Once the hr software comes out ill most likely concentrate on the win markets solely. As you can see this could be a sizeable outlay if you are not wise with your bank so make sure you keep the daily outlay small. Im staking less than 1% on each race.
13:30 - Snug as a bug/isle of arronYarmouth:
16:15 - Dr Rio/Gleneaglet
16:50 - Spanish Mane/Silver bubbleNewcastle:
14:50 - Captain vallo/equiano springs
16:00 - Caballero/Fennaan
16:35 - Lex warrior/Swiss knight
17:05 - Bridgetown/Miss behaving
17:40 - Birkenhead/Another angel -
Up nice and early today, here are my daily selections:
Landskrona (sweden)
over 1.5s:
QPRIll be trading the champs league tonight but will post them inplay over on the football thread. If other things pop up during the day today ill try get them posted on here asap
Cracking start to the week, in a very good bubble of games right now, almost everything we touch is working. Please dont get over cocky with staking etc with them. Thinking he is in form lets get on big now, keep them sensible. I will eventually have a iffy run, but right now im in a very good headspace and picking very good value. Lets hope that continues. Helps that the LTD "system" keeps churning along too. Hope some of you have got on them