Hi everyone
Hello everyone, I'm an Italian trader and I start to take the first steps in sports trading, I noticed this site interesting and I subscribed. I hope to find some useful trading tips. sorry for english, but do not be my language. Thank you and good job to everybody.
sorry if I ask another stupid question, but the numbers under criterion 1 2 3 what are they?
The criteria 1 / 2/ 3 etc.... is the filters so what people have picked to build their filters, if you hover the mouse over it then it will tell you what the criteria relates too.
thanks for the welcome, I like to trade football, I saw that there are excellent strategies and I was amazed that you send email with precise advice. I still did not understand the statistical software. but I watch the videos and even if explained in English I try to understand. I do not know if I can ask here a question about statistic software. I do not understand what criterion 1 criterion2 criterion3 means. if you want i open a topic on the question.
Yo! Welcome to the group
great to have you here, don't worry about the language issue (I'm English and my grammar is crap
Let me know if you need any help