New here
Hi guys,
I have been matched betting come advantage playing for the last year or so and am now looking for a way to supplement the income cause by some heavy account restrictions. I've dabbled a little bit in trading but continue to win little bits and then blow all profits by getting ahead of myself.
Interests in trading: cricket and NFL. Probably avoiding football as I know sweet FA about it
Was recommended to BTC and thought I'd like my head in to see what all the fuss is about and hopefully make a few quid along the way
@fishoutofwater have you read through the blog? look for articles that are about how to trade rather than articles on upcoming sporting events and there is a hell of a lot of good info there, you won't be a fish out of water any longer!
@Ryan-Carruthers and I suppose most of that comes from spending time in markets, accurately estimating where a market should be priced and then getting involved when any irregularities are noted?
Any tips on spotting such times in markets?
@fishoutofwater great question, edge for me is watching the market and then thinking you have spotted something that works more times than not.
This for me comes from stats, then applying that to build a pic of what is happening in the match/trade then executing the trade. From there then being profitable more times than not and constantly assessing the trades.
@Ryan-Carruthers Cheers mate. Too many to ask at the moment, let me get something coherent together and then I will ask away.
Suppose coming from the matched betting/AP background you know your edge. How if at all do you determine your edge in this game ?(retrospectively I assume?)
@fishoutofwater I love the name!! Great to have you here. I am happy to help you buddy
Any Q's fire them away!!