New Member - Matt from Lincoln
Who you are?: Matt
Where you are from?: Lincoln
What stage are you at in your trading journey:
What's your background?: Used to use betfair back in 2005-2007 - mainly on reality TV markets(!) as it was good money back then and I had good info. That stopped and I stopped. Been betting on horses for the past 5yrs now
Why did you join BTC?: I was starting to get gubbed by bookies and betfair was looking a good option and I saw the BTC sign on the wall heading up to work one day. So I signed up to the emails. been reading them for ages but didn't join until this month
What do you hope to get from the community?: Learn how to get more outta betfair maybe
What are some of your trading goals?: Been gubbed by bookies so Betfair maybe a better option going forwardno real goals yet other than see what I can do
@matthew-sheehan I used to be in that 5 star section!
Thought it would be Serco, big company! Been past there today met a mate for coffee in 200!
yep Silver Street and the dreaded S*rco - not the 5-star mosaic section
Cannot get enough Lincolnshire Boys...Welcome Matt!!
Have fun. -
@matthew-sheehan Wooooow I'm also Lincoln, you are now the third member from here!
So you must work in the building on Silver St? Serco?