New Member- Donna :)
Who you are? I'm Donna
Where you are from? Somerset, South West England.
What stage are you at in your trading journey- I have only recently starting attempting trading after getting to the end of sign ups on matched betting
What's your background? I work in benefits and have a degree in Agricultural Management.
Why did you join BTC? To learn from the pro's how to make better trades.
What do you hope to get from the community? Support, and insight
What are some of your trading goals? to learn how to be successful at trading, right now I'm purely guessing.Nice to meet you all
Yooooooo @donna-smith
Welcome to the community. Its great to have you here, how can I help you get cracking in your first month?
@donna-smith said in New Member- Donna
@martin thank you, I've watched the start steps videos, and made notes (old school pen and paper
Need to get my laptop on now and save the profit/loss spreadsheet and add my points to track.
Thanksnice one keep me updated! I'm also very much pen and paper when it comes to notes!
@donna-smith welcome, great to have you here! Hopefully you are getting on ok with the strat guides, if you need any help let me know
Thanks Julian.
A huge welcome!! You've come to the right place! :money-mouth_face: