Brain....melting..... getting a bit overwhelmed here!
Just joined yesterday and I'm hugely encouraged by the massive amount of knowledge available. I'm also lost amidst the massive amount of information available. I've seen multiple videos which give me the idea of 'this is where you start' only to find myself shooting off at a tangent to another video offering advanced strategies.
This feels similar to my looking for and finding a USB plug for my laptop last week; I was grateful to have found it but it took about an hour to untangle it from the Christmas lights before I could use it.
How about a 'Step-By-Step-So-Bloody-Easy-That-Even-A-Bus-Driver-Could-Do-It' guide, preferably in bright colours with big letters? Also, I keep finding myself clicking on links that end up being upsells rather than the info I need. Why not be upfront and have an 'Upgrade' page so that it doesn't confuse with the sections that have already been purchased. Just would be clearer and encourage people to turbo their package.
Which brings me to 'what have I bought?'. I'm unclear as to what my £35 inc VAT has bought me. I've clicked on the BTC Academy link thinking it was connected to my purchase and it appears to be a separate package? Is this so? Not that I mind and I may actually go for it but thought that was what I was buying in the first place. A bit of clarity please.
Enjoying what I've seen so far, very keen to get trading and already put my toe in the water....for a profit! Thank you!
Bus Driver.......and now, part time trader -
@julian-drake-clarke hang in there, it will become a lot clearer soon and you will be a better trader for it
remember there is no rush!
@julian-drake-clarke Welcome!!
I was with my little lady yesterday, getting covered in glitter and all the things a near 2 year old likes to do to her dad! Hence my later than usual reply.
The legend that is Chris has given you the exact right thing : ) I've recently put these together and they will 100% set you up for success!
You'll be able to watch those and put any Q's under them and they'll get you going!
@chris-osborne Nice one Chris, appreciate the help!
First of all welcome
This may be what your looking for @ryan has recently put this together which is going to be a New Members Start Here thread when its finished by the looks of things