Introduce Yourself to the Community
@martin-futter just looking around Martin forums etc Qand S bits to be honest it is daunting I'm looking at trades that people are doing there's so many and I can't contribute anything so it's a bit erm OK erm wot now
@ryan-carruthers cheers Ryan I said I do it
@martin-futter thank you Martin jeez it's a daunting place I'm defo a very tiny fish in a gigantic pond
@phil-cox Welcome to the group matey
Hey everyone my name is Phil
Location Halifax West Yorkshire
Experience, zero and a smidge less than that
Joining Btc to try learn the dark arts of trading and to interact with far more intelligent people at this than me
Hobbies golf football Liverpool not necessarily in that order
Job time served joiner
Thank you for allowing me in
Regards phil -
@nathan-tipple Welcome
great to have you here!
Hi All,
Who are you: Nathan Tipple
Where are you form: Yorkshire
What stage of the journey: I have been dabbing a few years on and off. I seem to start with a plan and as the winning mount up my plan seems to fade away. I have been a member before but as the video says, I didn't put much in to the site and therefore didn't benefit from everything the community has to offer.
Background: Accountant
Why did you join BTC: To start over with clear friendly advice.
What do I hope to get out of the community: I hope to learn and chat to people who understand what we do, share ideas etc
Trading goals: Be consistent and earn a steady income from trading.
@dan-erridge Welcome to the group!
Hi Guys
Who are you? Dan Erridge
Where are you from? Sunny Eastbourne on the south coast
What stage are you at in your betfair trading? Fairly new as have dabbled with varying degrees of success!
Whats your background? Married, dad of 2 girls love sport, always worked in the gas industry
Why did you join BTC? To learn discipline, become consistant, become confident in my trading and to be profitable
What do you hope to get from the community? Support, friendship, laughter, banter, MONEY lol and above all its great to be able to talk to like minded people and bounce ideas of one another.
What are some of your trading goals? Pretty much the same as why i joined really, Discipline, consistantcy, grow confidence (in selections and execution),be profitable and learn to trade other sports with great people
Cant wait to chat to you guys about all things trading and progress on my journey
@andrew-ziakas Welcome to the group matey
Who you are? Hey Guys, I'm Andrew
Where you are from? I live in Melbourne Australia
What stage are you at in your trading journey? Believe it or not, I had no concept of trading the sports market 6 months ago... I stumbled onto it through youtube or Facebook. So I'm still very much a newbie. I've watched some youtube videos that people have posted on sports trading, which then lead me to purchase some online courses on trading football (Or as most people call it here in Australia - Soccer) and tennis. I've dabbled it both those market a little with varied success. Then the whole Covid19 saga started so have been limited since.
What's your background? I'm a chiropractor running my own practices here in Melbourne. Have been so for 20 years now
Why did you join BTC? Combination of the stats software (I love stats) to filter out numerous events that don't criteria for trading. I love the idea of an online community, of which I can learn from... Id love to know if there are any other Aussies on here too!
What do you hope to get from the community? My biggest hope is to learn from people who have been doing this successfully for a long time.
What are some of your trading goals? I would love to see myself as a "semipro" trader in the coming years... I know it takes time... but a group like this could really help.
Thanks again guys
hello, there I am Felix 25 french from London join this site because I saw the possibility of making some side income and would like to find a way to make it consistent side income.i normally trade first half goal and late game goal, i hope to get some tips and cool way to make a consistent income from the community.
@matthew-lamb Welcome to the group matey!!
Oh you will not find negative chat in here, there's enough of that in the world with Coronavirus isn't there!