@martin-futter said in Leagues!:
Yes would be great to get the ultimate list of leagues worth trading!
That would be great, obviously unlikely to happen as some leagues are better for others in different areas. Do you ever remove leagues altogether just based on stats?
@bottlabroon said in Leagues!:
I don't exclude any leagues based on performance, I tend to find lower scoring leagues are compensated for by better prices. I mainly exclude on liquidity and the time I like to trade so it's mainly European leagues for me. Most Asian and American markerts are not really conducive to my preferred time slots for trading.
I get the whole price vs value thing and its a great point. But if you had a league which DIDNT offer you good value and the stats arent great, would you continue with it, drop it or tighten up on the criteria in other ways?
One of the things that fascinated me when I did some digging on leagues was the summer leagues to the winter leagues, so many people stop trading as the winter leagues (Serie A, Prem, etc...) stop and they say there isn't any decent football on..... stats for pretty much everything were the same!
The liquidity was less but still plenty to get enough on - I'm not taking summer back water leagues either, leagues in the nordic countries, Brazil etc...
My view is and its already been mentioned is that alot of League classification is going to be subjective as some of us will like Leagues that others don't like and vice versa.
@matt-wood said in Leagues!:
Another thought I had was that surely there cannot be one 'definitive' list. By this I mean I would think that it depends on the type of trade.
Exactly this Matt, an unders trader will be looking for diferent things to an overs trader.
Peter Webb once offered £500 to any Bet Angel user who could come up with a back or lay system that lost more 10% over a certain time period at Betfair prices. Nobody could - He wasn't interested in getting systems per se, he was just trying to demonstrate that in an efficient market where you can play both sides all systems will perform within a narrow parameter of the market in the long term.
I'm still new to all this and learning so feel free to tell me I'm wrong, just teach me why afterwards
I would think that (not at my tiny stakes) liquidity will be the first and strongest deciding factor on the choice about trading a league. If there is no money there you cannot trade no matter how good the results.
Another thought I had was that surely there cannot be one 'definitive' list. By this I mean I would think that it depends on the type of trade. Some leagues will perform amazing and have liquidity for a SHG trade, but the very same league may have liquidity but perform awfully for a FHG trade.
Another thing that pops into (and probably out again quick, brain like a leaking sponge bag) my head is that sometimes trading an obscure league, as long as the money is there and the results are there, might mean you get a better price as less people in the market therefore more chance for it to be slightly inaccurate?
Not sure about the last point.
I don't exclude any leagues based on performance, I tend to find lower scoring leagues are compensated for by better prices. I mainly exclude on liquidity and the time I like to trade so it's mainly European leagues for me. Most Asian and American markerts are not really conducive to my preferred time slots for trading.