Hi to all! Im Joao from Portugal
Hi to all! Im Joao from Portugal, living in UK. Im new on this and Im trying to learn how to automate BF bot manager and hope i can some guide and lights about it here.
It will nice to e-meet all!!!
Peace and Loce
@Joao-Sarmento you will want to use this thread then: https://forum.betfairtradingcommunity.com/topic/2915/bfbotmanager-automation-discussion/2
@Martin, im trying to find a another side hustle througth football even my football knowldege is basiclly zero. I found BF bot managet quite interesting but it is a little bit difficult to crack on it(at least in the begin), but i have saw your videos about the community and BF bot manger, im hoping learn from the community how to play around with BFBot manager, learn some strategies, etc. For sure, i can learn from you guys, and i really like web browser automations and bots, if i can add it to sports, it is even better.
@Joao-Sarmento hit mate welcome to the community, if you need any help let us know.
What is it specifically you are trying to do with BFBM?