Hi, thanks for having me!
I got into trading via Matched Betting and interested in just how far I can take it. I have the time to commit to this and have been trying haphazardly to implement strategies that I've either stumbled across or dreamed up. I have many bad habits though and haven't been able to turn a consistent profit.
I'm happy to find a forum as pragmatic as this and am looking forward to improving my form.
@Barry-Dewar Why do you think that is?
@Ryan My worst habit is betting too many markets. I need to force myself to be more selective. I often find an edge but then kill it by not refining my bets. I'm finding that being able to use the forum and tools here is keeping me away from Betfair though, which is a help in itself!
I think my personality type benefits from strategies which have a lower ROI but covers more markets. I'm working on that though.
@Barry-Dewar what are the bad habits you think you have buddy?
@Barry-Dewar there are some strategies in the software - click 'my saved filters' then 'members filters'- I advise to test any before betting on them and agree do not follow any selections blind!
@Martin Thanks. Yeah watched those videos but getting a bit confused navigating the site.
That video is on this page: https://betfairtradingcommunity.com/en/trading-strategies/lay-draw-kick-ryans-betgreen-strategy
I found it while looking at the Strategies section.
Earlier I had ended up on a tool which actually gave me selections for today's football. But now I can't find that.
I'm keen to try a couple of strategies on tonight's matches, but don't want to be doing it blindly.
Sorry, this probably doesn't belong in the Welcome section.
@Barry-Dewar start here mate that video is really old: https://forum.betfairtradingcommunity.com/topic/3761/all-members-start-here-here-s-your-super-trader-course?_=1712668461741
@Barry-Dewar yeah long gone that, what video was that?
@Barry-Dewar welcome great to have you here! Don't worry, we all have some bad habits to iron out!